Time Record Policy

All-time records (electronic or paper) must be regularly submitted to the Human Resources Department by the specified deadline. The Human Resources Department publishes payroll schedules annually. Paper time records, when submitted, should be completed in ink and signed by the employee and his/her supervisor. In order to meet a specified deadline, in the absence of the supervisor or employee, a photocopy of the time record may be submitted with the available person’s signature. The original time record should be submitted with both signatures prior to the release of the paycheck.

LATE TIME RECORDS: Time records received after the specified deadline will be processed with the next regularly scheduled payroll.

Direct Deposit

Bryant University encourages all employees to have their pay direct deposited. Direct deposits may be made into checking and/or savings  accounts through any New England Automated Clearing House (NEACH) member bank. Contact the Payroll@bryant.edu  for verification of a member bank.

Pay Policy and Schedule

Bryant University prohibits improper pay deductions from an employee’s salary. If an employee believes that an improper deduction has been made from their salary/wages, they should contact Payroll@bryant.edu immediately. The University will thoroughly review the pay discrepancy and immediately remedy the situation when appropriate.

Bryant University employees are paid according to the following schedule:

  • Administrators/Faculty – Monthly
  • Support Staff – Bi-weekly
  • Public Safety/Service/Maintenance – Weekly

Exact pay dates are published annually.

Performance Management Program (Performance Evaluations)

The Bryant University Performance Management program has been designed to build and sustain a performance culture by:

  • Engaging staff in Bryant’s mission, strategy and goals and building commitment to the institution
  • Aligning individual and group performance with Bryant’s expectations and needs, and reinforcing excellence
  • Developing and enhancing skills and competencies required to support Bryant’s mission, strategy and goals

This process provides opportunities for an employee and his/her supervisor to have in depth, individualized discussions that formalize job performance expectations, documents performance results, and offers an opportunity for joint development of performance objectives for the coming year.

Annual reviews usually occur in late spring, early summer. Salary increases, if awarded, are normally effective in November of each year. Rewards (pay increases, merit awards and career advancement) are linked to performance

Compensation Philosophy

A Bryant University employee’s total compensation includes: 1) annual base salary; 2) merit awards, bonuses and overloads; and 3) the value of the University’s employee benefits, such as health, dental, life and long-term disability insurance, retirement plan contributions and plans such as tuition remission, employee assistance, professional development opportunities, etc.

Compensation Philosophy

Bryant University is committed to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education and research, as well as in executive development programs. The Human Resources Department, along with the President, divisional Vice Presidents and/or designees, develops strategies, policies, and programs to support the University’s mission and, therefore, has developed a compensation philosophy for employees.

The Bryant University compensation philosophy is to:

  • Manage pay through a simple, clear program that is consistent with the University’s strategic and organizational objectives and that enables the University to:
    • Recruit, retain and reward staff
    • Provide competitive pay opportunities
    • Provide fair, consistent pay administration across all divisions of the University, and
    • Reward staff for skill development and high performance
  • Provide managers with sufficient guidelines to make consistent, appropriate pay decisions while also providing flexibility to meet the business and staffing needs of their area
  • Provide the Bryant University community with clear, accurate information about the compensation program and how pay is manage



Last Modified: July 24, 2024