Telephone Calls

The telephone call gives an employee the opportunity to further good public relations for Bryant University. It is expected that employees will be courteous to the individual contacted or contacting by telephone. Due to the heavy demands on University telephone facilities, personal calls should be kept to a minimum.


The University has the right to access, at any time, any of its property, including, but not limited to, computers and hard copy files, e-mail, voice mail, desks, lockers, and other University property.

Flowers for Employees

In the event of serious illness and/or death in an employee’s immediate family,(spouse, domestic partner/spousal equivalent, parent, child, step-child, adopted child, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law), Human Resources is the only department authorized to expend University funds for flowers or contributions to a selected charity.

Procedure: If an employee is out of work because of a serious illness or death in his or her immediate family, the supervisor is usually the first to know, having been informed by reason of employee accountability. At that time, the supervisor should ask the employee whether or not he or she would like the University community notified, and after assessing the sensitivity of the situation, determine the form of acknowledgement which should be sent by the University. Note: Because of requirements under the family leave policy, it is critical that supervisors notify Human Resources of any employee absence.

The supervisor then informs a Human Resources Department representative of the type of acknowledgement that should be forthcoming from the University community. The Human Resources Department responds accordingly. The President and other appropriate offices are then notified by a Human Resources Department representative.


Employee Get-Togethers

Employee get-togethers, i.e. office parties (birthday, holiday, etc.) are permitted after normal working hours.

Marketing & Communications/Media Contact

Communication procedures

Overview: Because it is the responsibility of the Office of Marketing and Communications to provide information internally and externally to constituents, it is important that all members of the University keep the office informed of events and activities happening in their areas. Contact can be made in person, by telephone, e-mail, or written memo.

Media: Faculty and staff are asked to contact the Office of Marketing and Communications for specific guidance when contacted by the media. Unless an employee is designated in advance as a “media expert” in a particular field or qualified as a spokesperson, they must advise Marketing and Communications of all media inquiries prior to making statements or answering questions. If an employee is contacted directly by a media representative, he/she should limit his/her initial responses and follow these steps:

  • Identify the reporter and the medium
  • Determine the topic/subject matter
  • Ask the reporter about their line of questioning and what kind of resource/expert they want to interview
  • Ask the reporter about their deadline requirements
  • Advise the reporter that you or a Marketing and Communications representative will call them back
  • Act friendly and courteous
  • Contact Marketing and Communications and share information, Ex 6120

Based upon the nature and scope of the media inquiry, and after consultation with other appropriate university personnel, a determination will be made as to how to respond. If appropriate, a spokesperson will be designated, facts gathered, and a statement, guideline, or response formulated.

If the scope of the inquiry addresses institutional issues, policies, or news, the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer for Marketing and Communications (or designee) serves as principal spokesperson for the University.


Last Modified: July 25, 2024